Picture 1. Picture 2. Picture 3. Picture 4. Picture 5. Picture 6.
Picture 7. Picture 8. Picture 9. Picture 10.

About our Institution

The „Deutsch-Ausländische ArbeitsGemeinschaft“ (DAAG) was founded in Bonn in 1980 as a unique project in Germany for the integration of mainly junior foreign fellow citizens.

Our goal is to integrate these young people into German society. We offer the participants the chance of developing specific prospects for their future by means of various qualifications in the fields of

There is a regular exchange and co-operation with different institutions and bodies responsible for the field of migration.

Language Courses - Language Development
Language courses and language development are parts of the individually applied measures of our educational institution. You can find the individual dealing with single persons especially in our language courses. There it serves the social, cultural and educational purpose.

Here we would like to give the German crash-course priority treatment, as the learning of the German language is the best requirement for the integration at work and in society.

This German crash-course does not only offer the pure teaching of the language but also the care by social education workers which, in the first place, focuses on the subject of self-confident dealing with the authorities. In addition to that the participants get familiar with the customs and way of life of the German day-to-day life.

These courses are held in small groups for at least 20 lessons. Every year people from about 30 different countries attend our courses.

You are welcome to ask for more detailed or personal information at any time.

Our Address
Siegburger Straße 9
53229 Bonn
Germany Persons of contact
Headmaster: Mr Rahim Öztürker
Secretary: Ms Sophia Fahlen

Fax: +49 (0) 2 28 / 47 95 73
E-mail: DAAG-Bildungswerk@t-online.de